Where exactly are you located?

The exact coordinates of the CowOrKing Space by Puzl are blv. Cherni Vrah 47A, floor 5, in the SIVEN business building. A Lidl is situated on the ground floor. The entrance of the office is directly on the right of the Lidl entrance.

How can I get there? Any public transports? Any place for my car?

Yes, you may use the metro – the nearest metro station currently is James Boucher, but the municipality of Sofia is assuring that in June 2016 the new Vitosha station will open just 300m from the office. You may also use public transport buses number 98, 10-ТМ, 88 and 120 to get to the Space.

What do you mean by high speed Internet?

Every CowOrKing Space member gets a dedicated cable for the Internet. To ensure the connection is fast, stable and reliable we’re working with two completely independent Internet providers; each with their own infrastructure. This means that if the connections to one provider is lost, we will still have Internet. As backup for the worst case scenario we also have an LTE connection.

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